Aussie Icons

Taken at different times and different places the Grey Kangaroo at the top and a wallaby at the botttom.

Looking over some old images from Victor Harbour shot some time ago I rediscovered this image of a grey kangaroo.

I was walking in the bush at Warrawong Sanctuary in the Adelaide hills. I could see this wallaby coming towards me oblivious to my presence... but not for long. Although it is not very clear in these images she is carrying a joey.


Ash said...

Your pictures are amazing! I love looking at them. I love how you have so many blogs. :) It makes me miss Australia so much!
All these girl blogs make it seem like it is a "girly" thing, but I'm glad you are representing the guys. I think our boys want to post but us girls are so addicted they don't have a chance to.

sharry said...

your kanagaroo trilogy is wonderful - she really looks like she is bound and determined to just run right over you.